(Yes it looks like a small amount for a pre-coupon total of $67 but those two little blue boxes are $20 each and we got them for FREE + $5 RiteAid bucks... (they are OneTouch Delica devices that we don't use but I can now donate them to CareNet and someone who needs them gets them for FREE!)
Saturday, November 6, 2010
(Yes it looks like a small amount for a pre-coupon total of $67 but those two little blue boxes are $20 each and we got them for FREE + $5 RiteAid bucks... (they are OneTouch Delica devices that we don't use but I can now donate them to CareNet and someone who needs them gets them for FREE!)
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Jurassic Park 2
Ok so I know this is SO late! I'm sorry......
So here is a little story.... from our lil' life.....
Once apon a time in a far away land it rained for days and days and days..... oh ok so it was Franklin, NC and it rained for 3 days pretty much non-stop. Much more than our ground could hold. Well there was this lil' train that lives close to a River and it was just minding its own business and the water kept creeping up and up.
We were having fun watching it rise... until we realized that "hmmmm..... this is about to come over the driveway and land lock the train" And sure enough it did.
Above Videos: This was how Chris had to get to work the next day.
So this next video is something that I would have expected to see on National Geographic.... there were quite a few of these mounds just floating around on top of the marshy water. Under closer inspection these are actually mounds of ants. The top layer is just moving all about like crazy and I guess the ones of the bottom have given their lives to save the rest. The have everything that would have been in there "hill" eggs included. Pretty crazy and made me SO glad that I didn't "bump" into one when I just thought it was a pile of grass.....
So all in all a pretty crazy lil evening. Oh and Chris had to canoe to work for the first time ever... lets hope it is also the last :) But a cool story. We are very thankful that the water never actually made it up to the train. And I feel very sorry for the homes and families that this amount of water did make it to the properties.
Just a random day in "my lil' life"....
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Were we in Jurassic Park????
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
A new friend....

Thursday, July 30, 2009
Cool days make me think of fall recipes....

· 2 cans of Northern White Beans (15oz)
· 1 medium onion (finely chopped)
· 1 can whole kernel corn, drained
· 1 can diced tomatoes, drained
· 1 & ½ cups instant rice
· 1 ½ tsp garlic, chopped
· 2 cans chopped green chilis (4.5 oz)
· 2 tsp cumin
· 1 tsp oregano
· 1 & ½ tsp cayenne pepper
· 1 tsp salt
· 1 tsp pepper (or to taste)
· 1 lb boneless chicken (cut into small pieces) **Or 2 cans all white chicken meat to cut down on cooking time**
· 1 can chicken broth (14.5 oz)
· 1 cup half and half
· 12 oz. Sour cream
Cook chicken with onion and garlic. Mix in everything but the creams (heavy and sour). Bring to a rolling boil for a couple min. (to cook the rice). Reduce heat and add sour cream and heavy cream, stirring until mixed. Serve hot topped with grated cheese. Serves about 8.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Ahhhh the 4th of July always brings up wonderful childhood memories...watermelon....hamburgers & hot dogs.... time in the sun & fun at the lake... and this year fit right in. I spent the day at the lake with wonderful family and friends, ate too much great food, some watermelon pie and then came back to Franklin and watched the fireworks. I did have a new experience this year though as I got to watch them from a roof top!
Thought I'd share a bit from our Franklin, NC July 4th Fireworks show....
(let me warn you its LOUD... might turn down the speakers a bit.....)
Friday, July 3, 2009
An addiction to time and numbers???

Then this morning while showing houses I glanced down at how much gas I had left and lookie there at how many miles worth I have left. (no the client didn't see me "catching" the shot...)
Gotta know that this day made me smile and I hadn't looked at it anytime recently
Oh also after lunch I thought oh I wonder what time it is...... NO JOKE it was 2:22.................... Just kinda interesting.......
So this is just one of the lil things that makes me, me... and that keeps my lil life rather interesting.
I wanted to share a favorite verse: 'Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.'
And its found at Jeremiah 33:3 ; )